Totton U3A Nature Watch

Friday, January 27, 2017

Keyhaven January 2017

Nature watch 27th January Key Haven
Seven very keen members including myself visited Key Haven.
The weather was very kind to us including the now usual sunshine, it was a little chilly but this was soon forgotten with the number and variety of birds seen.
The birds included meadow pipit, blackbird, magpie, crow, cormorant, reed bunting, Canada geese, brent geese, shelduck shovelor, pintail, widgeon, tufted, gadwall ducks, heron, kestrel, avocet, gulls, lapwings, redshank, spotted redshank, green shank, snipe, turnstones, black tail godwits, gold finch, swans buzzard, egrets, and finally a marsh harrier.
The next visit will be to Blashford Lakes on Friday 24th February meet in car park near education centre 10am.
The visit to Eyeworth Pond will take place later in the year.

John Hammond