Totton U3A Nature Watch

Friday, August 26, 2016

"Nature Watch Friday 26th August 2016 at Salmon Leap"

"Nature Watch Friday 26th August 2016 at Salmon Leap" At 10 am 7 members-John & sheila Benfield.Pat PurseJack Read,Lea,Christine Farleigh and myself(Michael Page) set off around Lower Test Nature Reserve and had a very enjoyable 2 hours in lovely sunny day. We saw many different birds and some we could not identify- but the ones did see were :-- Herring Gulls. Wader. Lapwing. Mallard Ducks. Dipper. Heron(in flight) 3 Egrets. Lesser black backed Gull. Moorhen. Crow. But the best was "A KINGFISHER" which sat on top of a post a bare 6 feet away from us in the hide. He sat there for about 5 minutes and thn suddenly flew across the water and into the reeds. WHAT A WONDERFUL TREAT FOR US ALL. The location of the next one on Friday 30th September will be announced soon. Michael Page.