Totton U3A Nature Watch

Monday, November 17, 2014


Five members turned up for the meeting a circular walk around Normany Marsh Lymington.

I nearly said hardy souls, but the weather was so good it was a pleasure.

Sorry no pictures this month there was too much to do and see, there was so many birds around in the marsh some that close binoculars were not necessary and arriving in flocks plus enjoying the sunshine.

The sightings on the walk included
Swans, Brent geese, egret, teal, mallard, widgeon, shoveler, shell duck, tufted duck, lapwing,
Red shank, a group of 60+ curlew, moor hen, robin , song thrush, black bird, and one special sighting had a black body with yellow upper, which was identified as a dredger this high was followed by Munjac deer, gorse in yellow bloom and rosehips.

The next nature watch will be at Eling meeting at the toll bridge Totton side 10am 19th December.


Sunday, November 02, 2014

Nature Watch October 31st Testwood Lakes

This was the first meeting for quite a few months and what a day the sun the weather and the grand turn out of 19 members is this a record?.  We had a very enjoyable 2 hours and visiting both hides.
The sightings included, Mallards, Great Crested Grebes, Black Headed Gulls, Song Thrush, Blackbird, Magpie, Pigeon, Canada Geese, Egret, Widgeon, Teal, Coots, Cormorants, Moor Hens, Buzzards, Herons, Great Tit and Blue Tit.
The unusual sightings were of a great White Egret and Osprey.
There were sightings of several types of butterflies, dragon flies/darters and fungi.
My thanks to all who came and helped and hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

The next meeting will be at Normandy Marsh Lymington meeting at the swimming pool car park 10am Friday 14th November.
Hope to see you all there

John Hammond 02380 812762 e mail