Totton U3A Nature Watch

Friday, March 26, 2010

March Bird group meeting

Eleven of us turned up, the weather was fine and sunny although there was a cold breeze. The ground was very muddy and slippery in places after yesterday's rain. The river was high. Twenty species of birds were heard or seen. The highlight was seeing two ravens one circling and another in a tree. In flight we saw two buzzards.

Next month 30th April at Ashlet Creek

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

February Meeting

February Meeting
Two Birdwatchers had an interesting walk round Blashford Lakes, although we did not see many species (25) the quality was quite high. Lesser Redpoll, Siskin and Brambling in the Woodland Hide, Ducks and coots from the Ivy Hide.
Later from the Tern Hide, I saw Goldeneye, Goosander and Greylag Geese.

March Meeting is at Pig Bush on the 26th. Hope to see a few more people.