Totton U3A Nature Watch

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Nature Watch Friday 24th April Reptile Centre Lyndhurst

The walk was attended by 6 members on what turned out to be a very pleasant day, with yet again the sun putting in an appearance. lots of creatures were  seen including large and small adders a black one which we were advised was male.
The smooth snakes and lizards were also seen.
Many birds were heard but not seen, including a cuckoo.  On a walk we did in the area, a white butterfly seen but identified as an orange tip. There was a listening tree where we could take turns to listen to nature in action.
At the centre there were several web cameras in operation showing nesting goshawks, peregrine falcons, greater spotted woodpecker and cold tit seen on a local site.
This walk was in total contrast to the previous two walks. March Blashford Lakes when over 30 variety of birds were seen. The highlights being Egyptian geese kingfisher and a bright green (plastic) lizard. February Lymington were large numbers of ducks and geese seen. The highlights being 2 spoon bills and several deer in the fields on the walk back.

The Next meeting will be at Rhinefield off the A35 on Friday 29th May 10am meet in the top car park.

Two pictures from Lymington visit