Totton U3A Nature Watch

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

April bird walk

For our April walk we did a circuit from Pig Bush, recorded over forty species and enjoyed a lot of bird-song. On a quiet, bright morning we had some entertainment from commoner birds such as a Great Tit showing off its display flight on vibrant wings and a Song Thrush copying the spring call of the local Curlew. A Redstart just about let us view it but a Willow Warbler sung beautifully a few feet above us. Two Hawfinches clicked away at the edge of Frame Wood and thanks to Brigid's sharp-eyed husband Stuart we saw it moving through the oak tops.
We also had good overhead views of a Raven and a Buzzard indulging in some not too serious banter and they allowed comparisons of their size and shape. Nearby a 'drumming' Snipe was a bonus from a declining species.
As we returned to the wood edge below the car park a pair of Dartford Warblers and a second Stonechat protested from the top of the gorse.

Our next meet is at Stanpit Marsh on Friday 30 May, 10am.

Friday, April 04, 2008

Friday April 25 at 10AM


Mike Adams has suggested a walk in the forest from Pig Bush car park on Friday April 25 at 10AM
As this is when some of the group are away on the walking holiday, will anyone wishing to go on the bird walk please let Bridget know so that Mike can be advised of numbers attending.

Pig Bush – map ref SU362,049. 1 mile south east of Beaulieu Road Station.
For further info telephone Bridget on
023 80867384