Totton U3A Nature Watch

Wednesday, December 02, 2015

Testwood Lakes 27th November
8 members plus myself were on this walk, sorry no photographs I forgot the camera, although not needed as it was agreed to have been a good outing.
The walk had everything light mist the usual glorious sunshine with quite an array of birds, both hides were visited among the birds seen were a pair of stonechats, greater spotted woodpecker, chaffinches, blue tits, great tits, buzzards, great crested grebes, cormorants, egret, a flock of wax wings, and a vast amount mallards. The discussion group came together again but were unable to come up with the collective name for mallards.  A check reveals  the name can be either a sute or sord of mallards.
During the walk interesting carvings were seen on a fallen tree.
A pair of peregrine falcons were seen overhead on the walk back to the car park.
There will be no meeting of the group in December, the next meeting will be January 29th 2016 at a location yet to be decided .
Happy Christmas to everyone and best wishes for the New Year