On Friday morning the 31st May 2013 5 members had a very enjoyable 2 hours spotting nature and being out in the nice weather.
Our bag this time seen(or in a few cases heard!!) were:-
Starling. House Sparrow, White butterfly. Mr & Mrs Blackbird. collard dove. red admiral butterfly. song thrush., Moorhen. Swallow. Various highland cows., Blackheaded gulls(many). Mr & Mrs Mallard. Canada Geese,
Charlock. a pair of shoes(size unknown!!)..2 baby mallards. 2 goldfinches. orange tipped butterfly. dog barking !!..wood pigeon. carrian crow. swarms of starlings. bluebells. robin. speedwell...a train(said Helen)..
It was a very enjoyable morning, and as you can see from our list above we are a very intelligent, knowledgeable and interesting group of members.
The next meeting will on Friday 28th June commencing at 10 am...location to be advised at our branch meeting on wednesday 12th June(see notice board for details).
Michael Page