Totton U3A Nature Watch

Friday, February 27, 2009

February at Lymington

On a bright sunny but windy morning a dozen or so of us walked through the marina and out on to the sea wall at Lymington. The tide was quite high but the birds were quite plentiful, in all about 40 species were seen.
The high lights were, Pintail, Greenshank, Wimbrel and Curlew (side by side showing their differences). Some of the Black Headed Gulls were just getting their black heads for summer.
The next meeting is at Pig Bush car park in the New Forest on Friday 27th March at 10.00 am.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

January meeting

January bird watching meeting
10 eager people assembled at Blashford Lakes for an amble round the hides. The feeders on the way to the hides had several small bird, including, redpoll and siskins. All but two managed to see a bittern lurking in the reeds.
The woodland hide kept us amused for quite a while, with a woodpecker gracing us with
its presence. Time went all to quickly, in total we saw 39 species of birds.

The next meeting on the 27th February at Lymington open air swimming pool at 10am .