April bird walk
For our April walk we did a circuit from Pig Bush, recorded over forty species and enjoyed a lot of bird-song. On a quiet, bright morning we had some entertainment from commoner birds such as a Great Tit showing off its display flight on vibrant wings and a Song Thrush copying the spring call of the local Curlew. A Redstart just about let us view it but a Willow Warbler sung beautifully a few feet above us. Two Hawfinches clicked away at the edge of Frame Wood and thanks to Brigid's sharp-eyed husband Stuart we saw it moving through the oak tops.
We also had good overhead views of a Raven and a Buzzard indulging in some not too serious banter and they allowed comparisons of their size and shape. Nearby a 'drumming' Snipe was a bonus from a declining species.
As we returned to the wood edge below the car park a pair of Dartford Warblers and a second Stonechat protested from the top of the gorse.
Our next meet is at Stanpit Marsh on Friday 30 May, 10am.
We also had good overhead views of a Raven and a Buzzard indulging in some not too serious banter and they allowed comparisons of their size and shape. Nearby a 'drumming' Snipe was a bonus from a declining species.
As we returned to the wood edge below the car park a pair of Dartford Warblers and a second Stonechat protested from the top of the gorse.
Our next meet is at Stanpit Marsh on Friday 30 May, 10am.