Friday, June 30, 2006
June at Testwood Lakes

After two hours it was getting tiring and the stop at the amenity building was a welcome relief where 50p bought a delicious cup of tea with even a biscuit.
Next month again at the Testwood lakes - this time park at the cafe so that we can cut the distance walked as it is intended to reach the hide this time.
28 July 10 am is the date for your diary.
Mike's contribution
We had a bright, warm day for our Testwood Lakes walk and enjoyed a fine display of wild flowers along the embankment between Testwood and Little Testwood Lakes, where Viper's Bugloss, Mallow (including some striking white examples), Meadowsweet and Lady's Bedstraw formed a lovely contrast of colours. The vegetation on the banks provided seeds and insects to attract the birds. Reed Warblers offered their stuttering song enthusiastically whilst Whitethroats were heard at several sites and included a family group of which one juvenile showed its developing throat patch as it perched on an exposed fence post. A dozen House Martins came through at times to enjoy the flying insects but we found Swallows and Swifts scarce and a pair of Great Crested Grebes nodded to each other in agreement. Earlier a Common Sandpiper flickered across Little Testwood Lake and we were able to see it bobbing characteristically at the water's edge.
Our intended visit to the Meadow Lake bird hide evaporated in the warm sunshine so we arranged to delay our visit until the next meeting on 28 July 2006 at 10am. Park at the Visitor Centre and we hope for another nice day, Regards, Mike.